Give your brains a break from regular shooters and give them something more interesting to process. Games Like Antichamber for Xbox Puzzle Shooter Antichamber is the sort of game youll want to play if you have a strong appreciation for MC Eschers mind-bending worlds and you have always imagine what itd feel like to be in one of these worlds. Antichamber is a unique and delightful first-person puzzle game that relies a bit too much on the wrong kind of puzzles. A complex mind game that will find fans among art lovers and regular gamers alike. Heres our list of the best new games like Antichamber that you can download and play these for Xbox 360. Each time, I get the sound effect that indicates a controller being disconnected. This game is more than just another first-person Portal-inspired puzzle game that appeals to critics using its artistic value. Hey there, downloaded Antichamber, subscribed here, downloaded Companion, and restarted before opening Companion and trying the game again. Released for the PC, you can download Antichamber from Steam. Witness a deep psychological experience with mind-bending challenges that will make you question your sanity and your knowledge about everything you know about how a game works. Published by Square Enix, Quantum Conundrum hit the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in mid-2012. The main objective is that you never know what to expect in the next step you make. Set inside a vibrant, minimal, Escher-like world, Antichamber is a brain-teaser psychological exploration game where obstacles are a matter of perception and geometry and space should follow unusual rules.
Antichamber is a single-player first-person puzzle-platform adventure video game developed by Alexander Bruce. If you love hardcore puzzle games done with style, then this is the game for you.